Agency Workers, Supply Teachers & Support Staff

Decide connections you share your availability.

Share with Schools, Business Hirers & Agencies for more bookings

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 To chat and share your availability

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Get more work

Fed up with little choice?

Not sure when you are offered work from schools you like?

Struggling to keep contacts aware of your availability?

Updatedge Availability Mobile App to share with your contacts

Is it right for you?

For supply teachers, teaching assistants, cover supervisors, chefs, cleaners, part-time agency workers and part-time employees.


Use updatedge

For availability flexibility, choice & control

No more wasted time replying to endless emails, texts and calls chasing your availability

What does it cost?

Free to use

Free for Schools, academies and agencies too

Get Started

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Add preferred contacts to share your latest availability with

Updatedge Availability Mobile App

See What Users Are Saying


Supply teacher

I’m earning more. 
I no longer get endless messages, emails & calls asking if I’m available.

I’m being offered more supply teaching assignments from my agencies & preferred schools too.


Education recruitment consultant

Dealing with hundreds of availability updates was very time consuming.

I get availability updates directly into our CRM

With accurate availability I’m filling more teacher assignments, & quicker

Top Tip: Share Updates Often 

Use updatedge daily to confirm your accurate availabilty. More shares improves your reputation and gets you more job offers

Share Often

More  shares means greater accuracy & confidence your contacts have to offer work

Confidence Score

When you share your accuracy confidence score is reset to 100% 

Last Updated

All your contacts can see when you last shared 

Some of the agencies supply teachers & other supply staff are sharing their latest availability with

Try Updatedge with your contacts

Apple App Store OR Google Play

Free to use with any contacts -Your choice 

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