Hospitality Staff Availability

Need good quality temporary staff?

Want to manage your temp staffing risk, quality and performance?

Want to know if your preferred temp staff are available?

Want to easily book them with your preferred agencies?

 Get the best staff everytime

Quality through choice and control.

You decide the quality 

Select the best applicants 

updatedge the power of choice

Is it right for you?

For hotels, restaurants, event co-ordinators and agencies who need part-time and temporary staff.

Why use updatedge?

To always get the best available staff and improve quality

Updatedge is a subscription service with free to use core features
Selecting the best applicants with updatedge

Online 24/7 no software

Available via your desktop or smart phone

With unlimited contacts and users.


Using updatedge

Get Started

Create an account

Go to

Use your normal business email address

You will be required to verify your email account

updatedge dashboard guide

Your Dashboard

Shows a summary of your account…

With access to the set up guide  

See progress & activity


Set Up Guide

The path to happiness…

The guide is always available to get the most from the service

To dismiss the guide click Return to Dashboard arrow top left.  

Create Your Network

Invite your preferred workers to share their availability…

The more contacts in your network the more choice you have.

Invite colleagues to share contacts or to create their own network of contacts via teams.

Once Connected

See your contacts latest availability…

Send instant offers to any or all contacts.

View scheduled events and offers.

Select the best applicants.

Notify any chosen agency.



Top Tip: Use Lists to group contacts into skill lists

Use lists to choose available staff; House Keeping, Front of House, Bar Staff, Waiters, Chefs.

Allocate contacts to multiple lists to send offers.

Working with agencies – who has control?

Agencies are great at finding good temp staff with skills, motivation and right to work.

With updatedge you decide who is offered and selected. Giving updatedge users the advantage of control and choice over quality.

Last Updated

See when contacts last updated their availability.

Manage Your Staffing Risk

You know who has done a good job!

Some you want back and some you don’t.

Save Time

Instant availability to choose the best.

Hotels, Restaurants, Hospitality Venues

Are you ready to take control with updatedge?