Supply Staff Availability​

Your Agency branding

Instant access to your workers accurate availability

No more futile chasing

No futile recording changes

Instant branded offers

Online Chat

Single source of truth

Timesheets for workers & schools


Agencies Place More Bookings

Remove the delay and uncertainty of chasing availability

Fill more bookings quicker

Consultants save a day, every week removing futile admin costs.

Accurate availability without chasing means quicker & more fulfilment for schools.


Is it right for you?

Agencies with accurate availability fill more bookings quicker.

Happier clients, candidates and recruiters.

Why use updatedge?

Accurate availability

No wasted time chasing & recording changing availablity.

Instant offers

Greater choice

Free to use portal and open subscription API

Unlimited access for agencies, no software.

With an open API for automatic data into core systems.

See the API documentation.


updatedge open API for data directly into core CRM

Increased fill rates leads to more orders

Consultants with accurate availability are more successful.

Consultants focused on higher value activities.

Increased customer satisfaction

More jobs filled quickly means happier schools, candidates and consultants. 

What does it cost me?

Complimentary unrestricted access for agencies and schools; with free mobile app for any supply staff on any device.

Plus subscription featuers & 14 day free trial from the outset

See pricing 

Instant availability

See all your contacts latest availability…

Search by date, times, skills, send offers, chat, select applicants

Top Tip: Accurate availability gives you an advantage

Encourage your contacts to update regularly. Send offers chat and interact to encouage contacts to keep their schedule up-to-date. 

Some of the many education recruitment agencies supply teachers, teaching assistants, and other education supply workers are sharing their availability with

See What Temp Agencies Are Saying


Agency Owner

We are getting more orders quicker and are placeing more candidates quicker because we know who is available

updatedge automatically updates our systems with the latest availability of the agency workers we represent.

It saves us time and money every day, enabling our recruitment consultants to speak to clients and candidates about work rather than availability. We don’t access the free portal as the data is sent directly to our own applications.

updatedge has increased the number of bookings we are making, it makes us more competitive, it has reduced our costs and significantly improved our customer service.


Recruitment Consultant

updatedge has been brilliant – I am getting more orders directly from my schools

It has saved me, my colleagues and candidates so much time.

I don’t have to chase for availability and I am filling more assignments quicker because I have better information.

My clients are offering candidates opportunities and simply let me know to send assignment confirmations.

I’ve invited all my contacts to use the mobile app and they are saving time too.

Wasted administration costs

16.67% or 75 minutes per working day is spent by a typical recruitment consultant chasing availability

There are an average of 3 availability changes per week per candidate.

Even when consultants think they know the availability it often has to be checked.

Chasing availability is a costly task – updatedge can significantly impact that cost.

Get Connected

Recruitment consultants are able to invite as many contacts as they wish to connect with – once the candidate installs the updatedge mobile app and accepts the invitation the consultant is able to see that persons live availability.

No limit to number of users

updatedge includes the ability for your connected agency workers’ availability to be automatically input into your core applications. There is no limit to the number of candidates or recruitment consultants and hirers that can use the updatedge service.

Working together

Some recruitment agencies have several consultants representing the same supply teacher – keeping everyone up to date can be difficult when information needs to be shared.

With updatedge each connection is instantly updated reducing uncertainty and increasing the probability that the consultants place the candidate.

What’s updatedge worth to a typical recruitment agency?

Earn £10,400 a year, per consultant by placing 1 more booking per day on a margin of £40 over a 260 working year.

Use the earnings calculator to see your potential increased income